Introducing Board Member Alex Fraser

We are excited to announce the appointment of Alex Fraser to the Bakehouse Art Complex Board of Directors. 

Alex has over 20 years of financial and business experience across multiple platforms. “I am excited to be a part of the Bakehouse and its Board, knowing its importance to support and sustain Miami artists. Bakehouse plays a unique role in Miami’s cultural ecosystem and is important to the overall fabric of our community,” commented Fraser. “I especially look forward to being part of the next generation plan where we will be creating a live-work community-embedded cultural campus for the 21st century.”

As a municipal bond trader of one of the country's largest municipal bonds firms, Alex established a proven track record for meeting the needs of high-net-worth individuals early in his career. He worked with a nationally recognized mortgage lender, where he assisted both families and executives with the purchase of homes or commercial properties. When he was 28, he was offered the position of Regional President of a distinguished bank. Two years later, he founded Fraser Financial Group and the inception of Smart Merchant Processing Corporation followed three years later. 

Alex believes in ‘team-first’ and has applied this to his professional, civic, and personal life. Participating in sports from an early age, Alex naturally implemented the team-first approach, which has proven to be effective when dealing with the members of his Smart family, Smart merchants, Smart partners, and the organizations for which he is passionate.

Alex is humbled by and grateful for the Board opportunities that he has held over the years: University of Miami Alumni Board (past), Miami Foundation (past), Big Brother and Big Sisters (past), St. Alban Childhood Enrichment Center (active), MCCJ (Active), and Branches (Active).

He is happily married to Mia and they have 2 daughters. The Frasers enjoy the arts, traveling, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Click here to learn more about the rest of the Board of Directors. 


Artist Highlight: Gabriela Garcia


Artist News: September 2022