Bakehouse Art Complex

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Donor Highlight: Louis Wolfson III

Donor Highlight: Louis Wolfson III

Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation

As a fourth-generation Miamian, Louis Wolfson III and his family have devoted their lives toward the betterment of South Florida and had long-lasting impacts on public education, health care, affordable housing, and the arts.

Wolfson is highly regarded as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is known for his work at Miami Dade College, serving as Chairman of their Investment Committees, where he helped raise and manage investments of over $500 million in endowments. Wolfson also lends his expertise and philanthropic support to many local organizations. 

Wolfson had years of experience and gained an immense passion for affordable housing development, finance, and management before becoming one of the founders of Pinnacle Housing. He has overseen the development of nearly 15,000 affordable housing units serving over 50,000 residents. 

For the past four years, Wolfson, his wife Ellen, and their children have made significant contributions to the Artist Studio Subsidy Fund through the Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation. Their donations allow us to provide long-term studio space and art-making infrastructure to artists of exceptional talent with demonstrated financial need. 

Why is it important to support artists and the organizations that serve them? 

Artists are an important part of the fabric and vitality of our city. They speak to where we came from, who we are, and nod to where we are going. But many creatives in our region need resources like studio space and art-making tools in order to thrive. Supporting artists and artist-serving organizations ensures we can develop, grow, and retain our creative community while providing enriching cultural experiences for locals and visitors alike.

What inspires you about Bakehouse?

I am thrilled by their vision and relentlessness to expand their campus. Adding affordable live-work spaces for artists, educators, cultural workers, and community members is ambitious and achievable. They are a critical node in our cultural ecosystem, 

Why should someone donate to Bakehouse? 

For Miami to continue to compete as a global destination in the  21st century, we must ensure our major cultural institutions not only to survive but thrive. As the oldest and longest artist-serving organization that provides stable and affordable workspace to Miami artists, we must ensure it has the resources for its current programs and as it develops and grows into its future campus. Our family's foundation is proud to be an ongoing supporter of the nonprofit. Moreover, our family personally supports Bakehouse artists by acquiring works for our projects and homes.

What is your wish for Bakehouse as it embarks on its next generation for 21st century artmaking? 

My wish would be that the community rallies behind Bakehouse. I encourage others to take the time to get to know the critical role that the organization plays in Miami and the incredible talent they support. 

Where would you like to see Bakehouse in three years? 

I would love to see their plan to renovate their facilities for 21st-century artmaking complete and their first phase of affordable housing well underway. I also would love to see them receive the support they need to realize a plan that is unmatched elsewhere.